C6. Pest Control Ant and Fly


1. Ant Control

We repel ants that invade everywhere, including food.

We also exterminate ants that invade your bed and sting you here and there while you are sleeping.

We use the most effective chemicals imported from Japan.

We look for unique ant nests and destroy the nests. The synergistic effect of these two methods is demonstrated. Other extermination agents will be used in combination depending on the situation.

The installation is done directly by our company. The basic construction time is 2 hours.

Our unique know-how in extermination is the reason why we have gained the support of users.

In addition, the chemicals we use are almost harmless to the human body.

Comments from Users

There have been no ants at all since then.

~Ms.K.S.from Thonglor.

Ants started appearing in the kitchen and living room. Especially in the kitchen, there were more than 100 ants. I had Mr. Handyman come to my house. After the treatment, I saw a few ants for a few days, but since then I have not seen any ants at all.

Surprised to see ants in my child’s food.

~Ms.N.S.from Thonglor

I asked the management office of my apartment to exterminate them. The ants stopped coming out for a while, but they came back again, just like before. So we asked a handyman to take care of it. The day after the treatment, there were countless dead ants lying around, but three days later, I didn’t see any ants at all. Now I can live in peace.

I don’t have to move anymore.

~Ms. GY from Phrom Phong

I started getting ants a month ago, about 10 ants a day, and even when I sleep, ants come up to my body. Even if I spray insecticide, they come out again.

I found them on a website and had a handyman come to my house. On the third day after the treatment, there were about 20-30 ants swarming around the bait of the chemical, but the next day they stopped coming out. I thought that if I had ants, I would have to move, but now I don’t have to move anymore.

Harmful Effects of Ants

Ants do not spread pathogens like cockroaches.

However, because mold frequently develops in ant-infested environments, ants can transport bacteria.

So bacteria can be carried by ants.

Ants are helpful insects that consume termites and other pests. But occasionally they will bite people, which can be very painful for a very long period of time.

Needless to say, ants can get into food that is being stored. They can get into containers of sugar, etc., and sometimes even into the refrigerator.

They nest everywhere. They even build nests in the walls of concrete apartments.

They build their nests in furniture and occasionally in electronic devices like computers, which can lead to short circuits that damage electronic devices.

It is common for a single apartment to have 5 to 10 or more nests.

Ant Extermination Fee

5,000 Baht per time (20 m2 area to be treated) 6 months service (4 visits) 10,000 Baht

2. Ant Extermination

When they are fluttering around, fruit flies and butterflies can be a nuisance. They sometimes perch on people’s bodies.

Insecticide spraying doesn’t stop them from returning.

To eliminate these fruit flies and butterflies, we use insecticides from Japan.


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We first noticed ants about a month ago. I thought about moving out if the ants were this bad, but “Mr,Handyman” got rid of the ants, and I didn’t have to move. I really appreciate their help.

~Ms. G.Y. from Phrom Phong, who requested ant extermination

They started showing up suddenly a month ago.
I’ve been in my current condo for a year now. There had previously been no ants. However, they began to appear about a month ago. They first appeared in the bathroom and then in the bedroom, but we have no idea where they are coming from. Renovations began in a nearby room, and I believe that is when they began to come.
There were only one or two at first, but the number gradually increased to around ten. When I was sleeping, they climbed up my body and out of my hands. As one would expect, when something like this happens, you feel compelled to do something. Even when I spray insecticide, they keep coming back.
I had planned to leave at the end of December because my current contract is only valid until then. However, I was wondering, “If there are that many ants in the room, I may have to relocate a month sooner.” What a waste.
I searched the Internet and came across “Mr. Handyman,” so I contacted them. The handyman staff immediately came to my house. After explaining where the ants had appeared, he left sweet bait at those locations. We spent about an hour watching the ants to see how they looked and where their nests were. However, only a few ants appeared. We were told that if we knew where the ant nests were, we could treat them accordingly, but because they rarely came out, they used a different strategy.
This was a treatment using a higly effective chemical that they brought from Japan.
They said it is harmless to the human body. The handyman scattered this bait-like chemical where ants had previously appeared. The handyman left after saying, “Please take a look at this.

We did not have to move up.
The first day or two, three to five ants were swarming around this bait, but by the third day or so, about 20 to 30 ants appeared. There were no ants the next day. After that, I saw one ant once, but other than that, I haven’t seen any ants.
Now I don’t have to worry about ants at all. I am comfortable every day. We are no longer required to relocate one month earlier than usual. I’m glad I hired “Mr. Handyman” to take care of my house.

When we informed the management office that we had ants, they filled the gaps with silicone and sprayed insecticide. Even though the ants stopped coming out for a while, they eventually returned. The ants stopped coming out after I asked Mr. Handyman to help me.

~Ms. N.S. of Thonglor, who requested ant extermination.

I requested that the management office do it, but it did not work.
We just moved into our current apartment. I’ve had ants ever since I moved in. They were at the kitchen counter, on the balcony side of the living room, and in the bathroom.
When we informed the management office that we had ants, they filled the gaps with silicone and sprayed insecticide. Even though the ants stopped coming out for a while, they eventually returned.
No effect. And when I put my child’s baby food on the kitchen counter, I was surprised to see ants in it and said, “Oh my God! I could put up with it if it were only for adults, but when the ants got into my child’s food, I thought, “This is not acceptable.”

Extermination treatment using two types of chemicals
I had my air conditioner cleaned by “Mr. Handyman” when I was in a previous condo. I searched for “ant extermination” on their website and found out that they are offering this service, so I immediately asked for their help.
The staff came and asked me a lot of questions about the ant infestation situation. However, at that time, none of the ants were out. The staff member said, “It would be easier to find the ant nests and treat them more appropriately if the ants were out.”
Even so, we treated the area where we observed that ants were present. They used two types of ant pesticides: one was a fast-acting pesticide, and the other seemed to contain a chemical in the food that the ants liked to eat.
The next day, we found many small black things that appeared to be dead ants scattered around the area where we had applied the chemicals. I asked the handyman about it, and he told me to leave the chemicals in place and not to touch them. The apartment maid then arrived to clean the apartment, and I noticed that the ant repellent had been wiped clean. When I asked Mr. handyman about it, he said, “Well, I guess they’ll be fine,” and I haven’t seen a single ant since.
Thanks to Mr. Handyman, I can now raise my children with peace of mind. I’m glad I asked Mr. Handyman to take care of my house.

Every morning, I wake up with itchy ant bites. Mr. Handyman came twice to exterminate the ants and now I can sleep peacefully without the annoyance of ants.

~Mr. S.N. from Asoke, who asked for ant extermination

I was getting stung by ants every day and couldn’t help but call the real estate agent.
I’ve always known there were ants in my current condo. But these ants stung me while I was lying in bed. In the morning, I would be woken up by the itchiness of the ant stings. When I look at them, I see about five stings. It kept happening every day. This did bother me; therefore, I requested the real estate agent to do something about it.
Then, “Mr. Handyman” came to rescue.
I asked them to come on Saturday because I have a job on weekdays.

I showed to him where the ants were coming from.
I told him, “I see ants coming down from the top of the window at the foot of the house.
I explained in detail that “ants seem to come down from the top of the window at the foot of the house,” and “they are also at the bottom of the wall at the entrance. Mr. Handyman looked around those areas. Indeed, there was a small hole at the top of the window, through which the ants were entering and leaving. However, since there were almost no ants in other areas, he could not seem to find any other places where ants were coming in and out. So, for the time being, they treated the area where the ants were located for ant control.
After the treatment, the number of ants seemed to have decreased, but I still get quite a few bites when I sleep on my bed.
About two weeks after Mr. Handyman came, he asked me, “How was everything? I told him that I was still getting ant bites.”

Even after extermination treatment, they still appear. ・・・・
Then he said, “Normally that doesn’t happen,” and came back again. I explained the situation after that, saying, “I see a lot of dead carcasses at the gap between the bed and the wall. The handyman then shifted the bed and pushed himself into the narrow gap that had been created to examine the situation. He still could not pinpoint where the nest was located because there were very few ants, but apparently the main ant nest was likely to be at the joint between the wall and the floor, or under the bed, or somewhere around there. It seems that the area we treated last time was not where the main ant nest was located.

The second time we treated it, they stopped coming out and now we are relieved.
They also took the time to treat the gap between this bed and the wall and around the bed, applying and spraying several different chemicals to get rid of the ants.
Thanks to them, I have not been bitten by ants in my sleep since then.
For a week or two after the handyman took care of them, I saw dead ants in the space between my bed and the wall, but that is gone now.
Now I can sleep peacefully without that annoying ant problem. Thank you so much for your help. Thank you very much.